Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Saturday 14:00-16:00, October 6

October Trip-2

Leg exercise (shifting the balance as remaining the heaviness with back and front...)

Kihon Dosa

Ikkajo -2 (non Basic)
Udegarami (non Basic)

Ushirowaza Eri Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Kotegaeshi-2
Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1

After class: Back Breakfalls (30) Forward Rolls (30...but I missed 5)
Jiyuwaza Practice (6 throws each)

Note: Class of 5 with 2 senseis. The weather was a lot milder and cooler than expected. So it was nothing like how it was in last July when I first came out to train here. Still the leg exercise was quite tough...cant quite remember if we did Kihon dosa before or after but my feet were aching pretty badly around that time.

The biggest challenge of the day was to make 360 degree pivot with Ushiro Eri Ikkajo-2. Knowing this is the basic basic way but Stumpy teaches us to make 180 degree pivots x 2 for an introduction, so my feet were used to be in moves, and it was quite hard to adjust it but Sensei gave us the fair practice for that movement and I think we all got the basic steps right at the end.

There is one 12 y/o started training with his father several months ago. According to the farther, the boy found out all about it. No wonder he's so keen :) He's still even shorter than me and felt very fragile but he was adapting the movements quite all right, that was quite impressive.

Sensei coordinates the class as like a story of the day, people listens to him even before they know it or at least before I know it. Sometimes ( or could be many times) he pushes pretty hard, but he does it with us most of the hard stuff without changing a face. It was great to meet / train with the same people again after a year.

To moving on to the next destination, Vancouver. I had a choice to fly either on Sat or Sun night and I chose Sat night that gave me less than an hour after the class to spare, I wish I had one more hour to be able to sit and talk with them but...maybe next time.

So, there I was again driving to the airport having no extra time to lose...(yes, the schedule was quite tight)...traffic was worse than ever...people suspected that it would take 45 mins to the airport but it took over an hour...I probably could have saved several mins if I did not make a wrong turn...anyway, I got to the rental car place to return the car about 18:15 even my fight was supposed to take off at 19:33...and the shuttle bus to the airport took off right in front of me when I got there......the lady asked me as she inspected the car if everything was all right, so I said..."yes! except for the traffic!" There was no point getting anxious about things I cant control, so I waited and waited and waited...for the shuttle to come around, and waited...15 mins later the same lady told me, " I just called the shuttle to let them know you are waiting", yeah right so I wait, and wait..........................................finally...there they come...2 comes at one time!!! One was reached by the office lady but what I got on was the the drivers had to settle with the other to take me instead after all...another 2 mins wasted!! No point getting mad, so I tried to be calm and nicely asked the driver, "my flight takes off in half an hour, do you think I can make it?" He gave me a stunned look and started kicking the gas pedal really hard...surely he gave me the lecture not to be late for the flight until we got to the airport...still he gave me a good fast ride, so I got to the checking in counter at 19:04.......

Of course, I had to hear another bunch of "you are late" "its too late" speech from the checking in counter person but I was able to check in, so it was time to run and I ran. Although, the plain itself was 20 mins late after all so it was just all right.

Another surprise was waiting for me in Vancouver...its cold already and everyone is wearing a ski jacket while I only carried cotton sweater...well, it should be all right.

3 more training day to go.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Thursday 19:15-21:30, October 4

October Trip-1

Class 1 : Nikajo-1
Shomen Uchi
Katate Mochi
Kata Mochi
Hiji Mochi

Class 2 : Nikajo-2
Shomen Uchi
Katate Mochi
Kata Mochi

Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Nage, Kotegaeshi

Note: Class of 7-8, My first class to visit Eishinkan Dojo, Rancho Santa Margarita in California. The big challenge even before the class was to drive all the way to Rancho Santa Margarita from Studio City. It took 2 and half hours exactly...I got a little lost at the very end and asked the people in the next building but they gave me no help...they did not know their own I started stopping buildings one by one...luckily the next one was which I was looking for!

We went throug Nikajo in series, just like how we started for the test training. Things I could not adapt quite well I did it the way I'm used to do, but also tried out the way they suggested, aiming for the back foot with Nikajo, and poping up the elbow with 2 techniques...

Interesting and fun 2 classes with fun people.

Spent about 2 hrs in a bar afterwards, and it took only 1 hour 15mins to get back to the hotel. I'm glad it went all well for the day.

Thursday 5;45 Octber 4


Shomen Uchi Ikkajo-2

Note: Class of 3. The morning of the day I leave for the trip. My schedule for the last weeks has been tigher than usual, was aware that I was quite stressed out from work and training...I only had a 3 hrs sleep (which is not possible for me to function), and I could not adjust what Sensei was telling us from what he had told us before...kept insisting, "I'm confused...", after all it was just my frustration bursted out before I knew it. ...After the class, Stumpy laughed at me saying, "You did this about a year and half ago, and before that was over 2 years ago...", so I have a cycle for my frustration to explore according to Stumpy. and today was one of them just about on the right he says...

As the training progresses, some things gets easier but many things gets more difficult, or it seems. One theory is that you get easily more aware of whats going on on the mat with your own movements, it means you ... can find whats not going the way you want to be, or at least, the way you think whats supposed to. However, its not possible everything to be controled, at least by you, meaning me, so I go back to the mind set, "I do what I'm supposed to do", yet not being able to ignore what else is going on...

I usually say, Aikido is fun, thats the reason I do it. But more precisely...Aikido is frustrating, stressful but fun comes on the top of it so I keep training only to get better.

Well, cant find the way to say it better even I have been seriously thinking of this topic for the last weeks...maybe its representing my status pretty well, I'm confused all right. Will come back to write this one again if I get clear with the words to put into.

Later that day, I got to the airport, finished easy checking in and was the time to exchange yen to dollers. WHAT A SHOCK! Canadian dollers was more expensive than US dollars! Oh well, anything can happen but I'm here all in one piece and leaving for my Aikido trip. I would count everything is all right.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday 7:00 : September 25, 2007

Hiriki no Yosei-1&2 with partner

Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1&2
Ushirowaza Eri Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1

Class of 4,

Kotegaeshi: I certainly have a problem with my Kotegaeshi, especially with Suwari ones. I just cant get the feeling like I "get" Kotegaeshi. Applying Kotegaeshi is straight forward, for either you are stepping forward or pivotting. I am still twisting as my body goes off from my center line...UMM...

Ushiro Eri Mochi: Ducking under Uke's arm part is quite tough, its not bending over...that makes it lose your kamae, which is bad. This is one of rare movements among the others, so it needs a lot of practice, I suppose.

Tuesday 5:45 : September 25, 2007



Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1&2
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1

Class of 3. Working on the details...Defining me as an annoying memory memory is pretty good that's how always has been for a lot of things, not perfect just pretty good. Its also working for remembering Aikido techniques. So, I don't have so much hard time remembering them, yet knowing the movements and being able to find the circle with different people is totally a different thing, or so I I had the hard time (again) with 2 different body type people to do the same techniques.

Changing the intention change the effort. I used to think applying the technique is to try putting (or forcing) uke on the spot where I want uke to be. But I realized that guiding Uke to where they dont want to go without uke knowing is just enough. I was again doing the forcing this morning, so I have to remember guiding when I do the technique.

Although, there are so many things to wonder it takes time for the body to learn all these things.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Saturday 6:15 : September 22, 2007

The secret of Nikajo is revealed! or not...

Kihon Dosa
Roll practice

Yokomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2

Class of 2. Ended up revealing the secret of Nikajo..."lock, lock, off..." was what we came up.
Knowing the secret and being able to apply it is a different lets see how its going to go.
What I feel learning much more details of the techniques is the way to be able to move/use your body in the ways you ever imagine in the normal life. Thats not an easy thing.

I used to not like training Sankajo-2 and Nikajo (any) for over a year... because I could not move big people with them. So many times I wanted to cry in the middle of the technique not knowing what to do... " practice only makes it better" is a fact that I have to trust. Sankajo is eventually and slowly coming so I suppose Nikajo will too... or so I trust and keep training...

Well, well well... time indeed flies or it feels more like disappearing. Shochugeiko was over 3 weeks ago, and so was embu. Summer schedule is really tough on top of "the heat" of Tokyo... its such a big challenge just to go through it... And I'm getting busier at work every year! for the last 3 years. But I think its safe to say "summer 2007" is over, although it still gets hot in the dojo...

October is already within reach, its time to prepare for my next test. It felt like it would be so far in the future when I came up with the plan for the black belt test 2 and half years ago with Stumpy. (Or I dragged out Stumpy to come up with the plan for me is the better way to describe it.) I think the key thing for me to do in the next 2 and half months is to keep the good condition, not to get freak out too much (if i can...). I can keep it in my mind but all I can really do is lets see how its going to go : )

Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday 7:00 : August 27, 2007

Tai no Henko-1

Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Hiji Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-2
Kata Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1 (non-basic)

Ryo Mune Mochi Sokumen Iriminage (non-basic)

Note: Class of 7, and 2 teachers. (that makes 4 pairs so this must be right).

I have no thoughts today.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Thursday 5:45 : August 23, 2007

Nikajo Recap

Hiji Mochi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2

Katate Mochi Nikajo 2

Note: Class of 2. I did not feel I got anything right in Hiji Mochi Nikajo yesterday, so we asked Stumpy for the recap. To our surprise...(or not) it took a whole class to have a decent understanding of the technique.

How to move the front foot, or the back foot in the beginning...of course its not the same for 1 an d 2 techniques since you are attacking or being attacked for the other. However the points we went over got me into thinking that I can not quite say well just yet.

I dont know if any of the above makes any sense at all, as my thoughts are making much any...

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wednesday 7:00 : August 22, 2007

Shochugeiko : Day 3 - Nikajo

Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with Partner


Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-2
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-2
Hiji Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Hiji Mochi Nikajo Osae-2
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-1

Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Nage

Note: Class of 8. This Shochugeiko is growing as the day goes...It started with 4, 6 and became 8 on the day 3! It means its always the day 1 for someone. The day 1 is the hardest for everyone!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tuesday 7:00 : Augutst 21, 2007

Shochugeiko : Day 2 - Ikkajo

Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with Partner


Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2
Yokomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Yokomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2

Note: Class of 6. Another hot morning, so it was hard yet it was not as deadly as the day 1. After every break from training, I promise myself that its easier to keep doing rather than taking a break and come back...yet I never do anything so I keep promising the same thing over and over again...

Tuesday 5:45 : Augutst 21, 2007

Shihonage session

Class of 2. John gave me a Shihonage-Twist Session.

I need more time to write of details!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday 7:00 : August 20, 2007

Shochugeiko : Day 1 - Shihonage

Back Breakfalls (50)
Kihon Dosa

-----15 mins including warmups-----


Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Katate Mochi Shihonage-2
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-2
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1

Shomen Uchi Shihonage-Kagarigeiko

Note: Shochugeiko Began! I expected for more people to come back but it ended up with 4 people. Hope to see the others to come back tomorrow!

I'm not so sure why the day 1 is always so hard...I think the big part of it is that Shihonage is physically a hard technique. Uke has to get down on the mat, yet it ends so soon so has to come up ritht away...and a week break from training only helps for the muscle to go into sleep zzzzz...

Starting the class with 50 Back breakfalls would've only encouraged us being in a "dead" state right from the beginning of the class. I started easily losing my Kamae during Kihon Dosa practice.

Although...I suppose its a good news that I did not hit my head right on the mat as taking Sensei's uke. I was not quite sure if he threw us any easier the way he usually does or my uke's gotten any better... Last year after Shochugeiko I cut off my ponytail by getting tired of smashing it onto the mat and taking the pain. The next challenge is going to be Sokumen Iriminage which is scheduled next week, I will know better then.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Saturday 18:15, August 11, 2007

Welcome to Hot Aikido!

An ex-senshusei, a guy who never gets tired, instructed us breakfalls in greatdetails.
In the last15mins, one and only picked up technique was Shihonage Kuzushi, for what its worth, no one got injured : )

It was a hot hot hot night and we kept sweating until we reached to the bar after the class.
I'm sure it helped the training to be alot harder, however, we all made it through and had a good time.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Wednesday 7:00 : August 8, 2007

The road to Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-1

Ikkajo Pin
Nikajo Pin

Moving to the side with Knee
Going forward with Knee

Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-1

Note: Class of 6. Start from the basic.

Wednesday 5:45 : August 8, 2007

Tai no Henko-2

Note: Class of 2. The series continues.

I came up with one theory a few months ago...

When Kamae becomes Your Kamae, arms/hands work starts to matter less. (I would not say, less important, the arms/hands becomes a part of Your Kamae, so the hight and relationship with your body and etc.. is really depends on Your Kamae.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Tuesday 7:00 : August 7, 2007

Go back to the Basic, again!

Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Katate Mochi Shihonage-2

Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1

Katate Mochi Jiyuwaza after class: I finally asked Sensei for Jiyuwaza practice after class. I have been meaning to ask for a while...Sensei must have known what was coming so when I asked him he said, "10 throws? Everyday?" Yes, 10 throws everyday please... :)

I ran out! after 7?? So he slowed it down but kept going. It doesnt hurt as it looks at all, but I threw my body and end up landing my body twisted. That is safest landing I know for now, but it means I end up on the mat, and coming up is not part of it. Thats what I have to work on now.

Class of 6.

Tuesday 5:45 : August 7, 2007

After the test...Back to Basic...Kihon dosa

Tai no Henko-1

Tai no Henko-1 with partner

Class of 3. Before the test, everyone practice technique after technique, then take the test. What we realize taking the test is how important the basic movement is. Naturally, we come back to where we started: Kihon dosa.

I started seeing what Kihon Dosa was about maybe after 2 years since I started training. I guess that was when I started realize how it applied in the techniques the way I was trying to do.

Training goes as a circle, and its good to have a cycle. The funny thing is that as we progress, it seems like getting more difficult as we repeat the cycle.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Thursday 5:45 : August 2, 2007

Dai San Techniques:

Kata Mochi Yonkajo Osae-1 & 2
Shomen Uchi Hijishime- 1 & 2
Katate Mochi Hijishime- 1 & 2
Ushiro Ryote Mochi Hijishime- 1 & 2
Hiji Mochi Sokumen Iriminage- 1 & 2
Shomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2
Ushiro Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Shomen Iriminage-1 & 2
Ryote Mochi Shomen Iriminag-1 & 2
Shomen Tsuki Shomen Iriminage-1 & 2

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Wednesday 7:00 : August 1, 2007


Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1 & 2
Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2

Class of 4, with 2 Senseis. Sensei kept telling me, "what are you doing?" or " what are you not doing?"... Training with less focus on what "I" do as not having Sensei on the mat caused my Aikido very careless, which I did not mean to do, nor expect to happen.

I'm very simple minded person after all, and I'm still at the beginning stage in my Aikido, so I can't nor shouldn't give attention to people (other than the opponent) when I train...yet the reality always doesn't come that way. I'm luckily in the position to be given the chance to lead the class when Sensei is away. The way my aikido became sloppy in the last 2 weeks proves I have not been training as precise as I usually do.

Talking about the distaction, I don't really handle "talking on the mat" well, even my voice distracts my brain functionality so it was quite a challenge for me to keep talking and even "trying to make" the points to the others in the class.

Still. talking of the others often distracts me as well, yet it was nice to be able not to listen to my own voice after 2 weeks!! It was nice to be able to focus on what "I" do or trying to do having Senseis back on the mat. Now, what I know is that I am going to stay this way and lose the sloppiness ASAP!

Wednesday 5:45 : August 1, 2007

So...what happens when teachers are away is...My Aikido becomes SLOPPY! dah!

Test Training:

Dai San Technique:

Shomen Uchi Shihonage-1:
Kata Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2:
Hiji Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2:
Ushiro Eri Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2:
Ushiro Ryo Kata Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2:
Hiji Mochi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2:
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2:
Katate Mochi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2:
Kata Mochi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2:
Ushiro Ryokata Mochi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2:
Ushiro Ryote Mochi Sankajo Osae- 1 & 2:
Yokomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae- 1 & 2:

Note: Class of 3 with STUMPY!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wednesday 5:45 : July 25, 2007



Shomen Uchi Hijiate Kokyunage-1 & 2
Yokomen Uchi Hijiate Kokyunage-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Kotegaeshi-1 & 2
Hijimochi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2
Shomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2


Class of 4. Test training for Chris and John.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Summer Gasshuku

Summer Gasshuku 2007

We remembered to take pictures this year! Still, we missed to take a group photo with everyone at the end...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday 5:45 : June 14, 2007


Katate Ayamochi Nikajo Osae- 1 & 2
Kata Mochi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2

Class of 3.

Two quotes going around my head quite a bit in these days.

"Lose millions of times to win at the end" by Robert Sensei
"Let Uke express him/herself" by Gadi Sensei

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Wednesday:7:00 June 13 2007

Beginners class

Tai no Henko -1&2

Katate mochi sokumen iriminage 1

Katate mochi nikajo osae2

Class of 4

Wednesday:5:45 June 13 2007

Ryote Mochi Jiyuwaza

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Wednesday 7:00 : June 6, 2007


Kihon Dosa


Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1

Hajime (6 mins)

Class of 7,

Wednesday 5:45 : June 6, 2007



15 techniques

Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1& 2
Ryote Mochi Shomen Iriminage-1 & 2

Class of 4, went through techniques for 1st kyu test. It was long, it
was hard, it was hot!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tuesday 7:00 : June 2, 2007


Back Breakfalls (30)
Kihon Dosa (Right and Left)


Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-2

Class of 5. Basic, basic...and basic.

I tend to feel my body comes up (or loosen) from Kamae, esp. with Atemi.
I always try to push down but it might work better if I try to push
up...will try again.

Tuesday 5:45 : June 5, 2007


Kihon Dosa


Dai Ichi Kihon in Tachi and Suwari
Kokyuho to Sokumen Iriminage

Class of 2.

Saturday 18:15 : June 2, 2007


Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner

Suwariwaza Kata Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Kata Mochi Nikajo Osae...

dont remember the techniques...

Class of 4, pand a guest instructor Gadi Sensei.

Friday 19:00 : June 1, 2007


Back Breakfalls (10)

Kihon Dosa

Katate Mochi Shihonage-1 & 2
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2

Class of 3, plus 1 guest from Korea.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thursday 7:00 : May 31, 2007



Ikkajo Pin
Nikajo Pin
Sankajo Pin
Yonkajo Pin
Kotegaeshi Pin


Class of 5. My expectation towards my pins are not so big...however, I
think I suffer less than I used to...I clearly remember I used to cry
when I could not find the way to do what I was told to do... ; )

Thursday 5:45 : May 31, 2007


Kihon Dosa

Tai no Henko-1
Tai no Henko-2


Class of 3. My biggest discovery...once you get to the certain level,
once you get to find your own kamae...hands movement becomes smaller
matter, it doesnt mean its less important but they come along with
your kamae, you dont have to worry about it too much.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wednesday 7:00 : May 30, 2007


Back Breakfalls (40)


Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-1

Class of 3, on the side of Beginners course of 5, busy mat Wednesday.

Wednesday 5:45 : May 30, 2007


Shumatsu Dosa-1
Shumatsu Dosa-2


Shomen Tsuki Kotegaeshi-1
Ryote Mochi Kotegaeshi-1
Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-2
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-2

Class of 3. The main theme...Shumatsu Dosa

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tuesday 7:00 : May 29, 2007


Kihon Dosa Renzoku (Left to Right)

Tai no Henko-1
Tai no Henko-2

Tai no Henko-1 with partner
Tai no Henko-2 with partner


Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1

Class of 5. Spent almost 45 mins for Kihon Dosa.
Umm...Aikido is difficult.

Tuesday 5:45 : May 29, 2007



Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-1
Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-2

Class of 3.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Wednesday 7:00 : May 23, 2007


Hiriki no Yosei-1 with partner
Hiriki no Yosei-2 with partner


Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1

Katate Mochi Kokyunage

Class of 6, on the side of Beginners course of 5, a lot of people on the mat.

Wednesday 5:45 : May 23, 2007


Back Breakfalls (10)
180 pivot


Ryote Mochi Shihonage-2
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage Kuzushi

Class of 3.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tuesday 7:00 : May 22, 2007


Back Breakfalls (10)
Back Rolls (with push)

Hiriki no Yosei-1 with partner
Hiriki no Yosei-2 with partner


Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1
Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-2

Class of 5.

My left side was much stiffer than the right side all way
through...need to balance it better..

Nikajo: the more important is still the upper striking arm.

Tuesday 5:45 : May 22, 2007


Hiriki no Yosei-1
Hiriki no Yosei-2


Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-1
Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-2

Class of 4.

Nikajo: the more important is still the upper striking arm.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Thursday 7:00 : May 17, 2007


Back Breakfalls (10)
Back/Side Breakfalls (20)


Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-1
Yokomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-1
Yokomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-2

Shomen Uchi Sankajo Nage (Kagari geiko)

Class of 5

Thursday 5:45 : May 17, 2007


Shomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Hijishime, Kotegaeshi-2

Katate Mochi Jiyuwaza

Class of 4,

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wednesday 7:00 : May 16, 2007



Ushiro Kata Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Ushiro Kata Mochi Sankajo Osae-2
Ushiro Eri Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2

Class of 4 plus 3 with 2 teachers.New Beginners course started, with
one boy and three girls.

We trained Ushiro techniques with Stumpy on the side.

Wednesday 5:45 : May 16, 2007

Stumpy's new warmups set : Breakfalls, Situps...

Hiriki no Yosei-1
Hiriki no Yosei-2

Kata Mochi Nikajo Osae-2

Class of 3.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Tuesday 7:00 : May 15, 2007


Hiriki no Yosei -1 & 2 with partner


Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-1
Yokomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-1
Hiji Mochi Yonkajo Osae-2

Katate Mochi Yonkajo Nage (Kagari geiko)

Class of 6 with 2 teachers.

Tuesday 5:45 : May 15, 2007

Back to Training


Kihon Dosa
Tai no Henko-1
Tai no Henko-2

Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1

Class of 3. Welcome back Stumpy!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Tuesday 7:00 : May 8, 2007

Kihon Dosa
-Tai no Henko-1
-Tai no Henko-2
-Hiriki no Yosei-1
-Hiriki no Yosei-2
-Shumatsu Dosa-1
-Shumatsu Dosa-2

Forward Rolls
Back Rolls

Shikko Ho

Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Katate Mochi Shihonage-2
Ryote Mochi Shihonage-1
Ryote Mochi Shihonage-2
Hanmi Handachi Shihonage-1

Shomen Uchi Shihonage (Kagari geiko)

Class of 7. Back to Training after Golden Week. Its getting hot, Summer is coming!

It was quite hard to keep moving, I guess an hour of Aikido is quite tough : )

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Sunday 15:00 : April 29, 2007

Chida Sensei Seminar

Kihon Dosa

Kokyu ryoku

Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-1
Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-4

So many people,

Friday, April 27, 2007

Sunday : April 22, 2007

RYA 6th Anniversary Embu

RYA Embu 2007

at Minato Sports Center

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Wednesday 7:00 : April 18, 2007

Kihon Dosa

Dai Ichi 1 Techniques

Class of 6. Embu Practice

Wednesday 5:45 : April 18, 2007

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Jo 31 Kata

Class of 2, good 30 mins practice of Jo 31 kata.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday 7:00 : April 17, 2007

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Kihon Dosa & Kanren waza

Dai Ichi Kihon Technique



Class of 4. We were all thrown by Sensei quite big time.

Tuesday 5:45 : April 17, 2007

Embu Practice

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Kihon Dosa & Kanren waza

Dai Ichi Kihon Techniques

Self Defense

Class of 2

Friday, April 13, 2007

Friday 7:00 : April 13, 2007

Back Breakfalls (120)
Kihon Dosa

Dai Ichi Kihon

Class of 5, 6 people on the mat. Sensei did not feel it was enough back breakfalls when we made the first counting round of 10 each, so we made it twice. (120 back breakfalls)

My record was broken!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

84:Tuesday 7:00 : March 20, 2007

Test Review

Basic and Basic and Basic:

Hiriki no Yosei-1 going forward movement
Tai no Henko-2 pivot

Kihon Dosa Renzoku x 3

Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sankajo Osae-2

Class of 5.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Thursday, March 15, 2007

78:Thursday 7:00 : March 15, 2007


Test Training

7 people in 2 groups.

Sensei in Kimuchi Heaven...

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

74:Tuesday 7:00 : March 13, 2007


Kihon Dosa

Dai Ichi Kihon

Test Training

Class of 7.

73:Tuesday 5:45 : March 13, 2007


Kihon Dosa with partner

Dai Ichi Kihon

Class of 2

72:Saturday 18:15 : March 10, 2007

Test Training

Kihon Dosa (1 hours)
point by point!

Test rehearsal

Class of 5, taught by newly graduated ex-senshusei. We realized it did not have a chance to work on kihon dosa for a quite sometime, it was not as "hard" as the usual massive Kihon dosa session, everyone enjoyed it with a new point of view.

71:Friday 7:00 : March 9, 2007

Test Training

Thursday, March 8, 2007

70:Thursday 7:00 : March 8, 2007

Test Trainig

Back Breakfalls (10)

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Jiyuwaza Practice

Class of 3.

69:Wednesday 7:00 : March 7, 2007

Test Training

Note: Class of 7

68:Wednesday 5:45 : March 7, 2007

Test Training

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

67:Tuesday 7:00 : March 6, 2007

Back Breakfalls (10)
Push ups (10)
Back Breakfalls (10)
Push ups (10)
Back Breakfalls (10)
Push ups (10)
Back Breakfalls (10)
Push ups (10)
Back Breakfalls (10)
Push ups (10)

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1

Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Nage
Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage

Class of 6.

Monday, March 5, 2007

65:Friday 19:00 : March 2, 2007

Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner

Katate Mochi Kotegaeshi-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Kotegaeshi-1
Katate Mochi Kotegaeshi-2
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Kotegaeshi-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Kotegaeshi-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Kotegaehi-2

Shomen Uchi Kokyunage

Class of 5.

Only a year ago, I started being able to flip from Kotegaeshi in both sides. It took 6 months since I started working on. Now, I think I can flip out from Kotegaeshi in any direction, but from Kokyunage... I bet I will forget how once I get it but now I cant see "how".

Friday, March 2, 2007

64:Friday 7:00 : March 2, 2007

Test Training

Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1
Shomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-2
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-2
Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1 & 2

Class of 4 on the side of Beginners course of 2.

2 more weeks until the test!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

63:Thursday 7:00 : March 1, 2007

Jiyuwaza Class

Class started 7:02

Warm ups ... 5 mins

Tai Sabaki from Shomen Uchi, Yokomen Uchi ... for 45 mins

5 throws x 2 ... 8 mins


Class of 5.
Sensei was on Fire : )

It was a cold morning, but Sensei opened the window as soon as we started warm ups, even it was still cold...I guess he was burning from inside...

We were pushed a bit harder than usual, but noone got hurt, noone cried...

Udegarami : I tried Udegarami from Shomen Uchi, was too light and weak...Sensei said, "Let me show you", I was smashed onto the mat 2 seconds later. I think its safer for uke to be thrown harder than "Softer" especially for Udegarami, and Kotegaeshi. To make it "harder", it has to be done with more hips. ... Umm, thats pretty much for everything else, I assume ; )

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

62:Wednesday 7:00 : February 28, 2007

Back Breakfalls (30)


Test Training

Class of 7, test training on the side of beginners course.

Again, for the millions of times...I cant explain the techniques in words even the ones I know how to do it... I must have some certain rhythm when you train as given the advices from the teachers. Thats very natural (I mean, this becomes a habit when you do it over 100 times...), at least to me, but "I talk" is not natural and I get distracted by my own voice since its not supposed to be there in my "rhythm". So, for me, talking and giving some or any advice to the others is very unnatural and that is breaking the habit, at least the ones I have now...I bet it will take a bit more time to get used to it.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

61:Tuesday 7:00 : February 27, 2007

Test Training

Back Breakfalls (30)
Kihon Dosa Renzoku (3 times)

Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1 & 2
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage- 1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkjo Osae- 1 & 2

Jiyuwaza Practice

Class of 3, working on 3, could not go through so many techniques after all. Yet, it was a good practice for all of us.

60:Saturday 18:15 : February 24, 2007

Jiyuwaza Practice

Lots of pivot, lots of Tai sabaki practice.

Class of 9,

59:Friday 19:00 : February 27, 2007



Lots of Tai Sabaki with Katate Mochi

One round of Jiyuwaza at the end.

Class of 4, Time goes very very quickly, we have done quite amount of Tai Sabaki practice and it was a bit hard to name all of them here.

I'm still not quite doing a big heavy pivots but I'm so trying to keep my back straight to keep my Kamae even only with my back. In the beginning of Jiyuwaza practice days, I used to get too excited, and lost everything as soon as I started moving. I started focusing on Kamae more than anything at some point and I "think" I started not to get too excited, which is a good change : )

58:Friday 7:00 : February 23, 2007

Kangeiko Day 9 : Kokyu Ho, Kokyu Nage

Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-5
Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho-4

Katate Mochi Kokyunage (in variatiion)

Class of 7, the last day of Kangeiko! Beginners and regulars trained together on Kokyu Nages.
In Kagari geiko, we ran around and being was a lot of fun.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

57:Thursday 7:00 : February 22, 2007

Kangeiko Day 8 : Kotegaeshi, Tenchinage

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Hiriki no Yosei-2 with partner

Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1
Yokomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-2
Katate Mochi Kotegaeshi-1 & 2
Ryote Mochi Kotegaeshi-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Kotegaeshi-2

Ryote Mochi Tenchinage-1 & 2

Note: Class of 4, 9 techniques involved many flips (Kotegaeshis)

I tend to use a lot of "twist" on Kotegaeshi, but I really should push out...maybe hips should involve more.

So much of flipping, after 30 mins of Jiyuwaza with Chris, I felt like I could have used a long bath right after... : )

56:Thursday 5:45 : February 22, 2007

Jiyuwaza Practice

Shomen Uchi
Yokomen Uchi

Hijiate Kokyunage
Shomen Iriminage

Class of 2.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

55:Wednesday 7:00 : February 21, 2007

Kangeiko Day 7 : Hijishime, Hijiate Kokyunage

180 pivot (keep the back foot on the mat all the time)


Shomen Uchi Hijishime-1
Shomen Uchi Hijiate Kokyunage-1
Yokomen Uchi Hijishime-2
Yokomen Uchi Hijiate Kokyunage-2
Shomen Tsuki Hijiate Kokyunage-1
Shomen Tsuki Hijishime-1
Shomen Tsuki Hijiate Kokyunage-2 (Non Basic)
Ryohiji Mochi Kokyunage

Note: Class of 5, on the side of Beginners course of 3.

54:Wednesday 5:45 : February 21, 2007



Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Shomen Iriminage (Non basic style)

Class of 2. Working on the details, day 2.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

53:Tuesday 7:00 : February 20, 2007

Kangeiko Day 6 : Shomen and Sokumen Iriminage

Tai no Henko-1 with partner

Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1
Hiji Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-2
Yokomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1
Katate Mochi Shomen Iriminage-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2
(Punch, and grab and strike) Sokumen Iriminage

Class of 6.

52:Tuesday 5:45 : February 20, 2007

180 pivot with partner

Ryote Mochi Kotegaeshi-1 & 2

Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1

Class of 2. When I did Ryote Mochi Kotegaeshi for the first time last summer, I thought that was such an evil hurting technique, but nearly a year later, it was not bad at all...I guess my flip got better : )

Monday, February 19, 2007

51:Monday 7:00 : February 19, 2007

Kangeiko Day 5 : Yonkajo

180 pivot with partner

Shomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-2
Katate Mochi Yonkajo Osae-1 & 2
Ryote Mochi Yonkajo Osae-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Yonkajo Osae- 1 & 2

Note: Class of 3, Roland Sensei (He ran Tokyo Marathon yesterday, the record : 5hrs 15mins including a banana break) on the side...

50:Saturday 18:15 : February 17, 2007


Shomen Uchi
Yokomen Uchi
Katate Mochi

Class of 4, 90mins of Jiyuwaza.

49:Friday 19:00 : February 16, 2007


Ushirowaza Katate Eri Mochi Sankajo Osae- 1 & 2

Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Yonkajo Osae-1

Jiyuwaza (Katate Mochi)

Class of 3. I did not have a clue for "Katate Eri Mochi" but it turns out to be almost the same as Ryote Mochi : )

Friday, February 16, 2007

48:Friday 7:00 : February 16, 2007

Kangeiko Day4 : Sankajo

Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner

Shomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2
Hiji Mochi Sankajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Hijimochi Sankajo Osae-2
Kata Mochi Sankajo

Class of 6 plus 3 for the beginners course. Sensei challenged for 18 techniques but it ended up with 9 today. Sankajo takes space!! It was sometimes hard to find the spot to fall.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

47:Thursday 7:00 : February 15, 2007

Kangeiko Day 3 : Nikajo

Knee Pivot

Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-1 (and Hajime)
Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-2
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-2 (and Hajime)

Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Nikajo Osae-1 (Stumpy Made-up)
Ushirowaza Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-2 (and Hajime) (Stumpy Made-up, alomost Jiyuwaza Style)

Class of 4,

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

46:Wednesday 7:00 : February 14, 2007

Kangeiko Day2 : Ikkajo and Happy Valentine's Day !

Hiriki no Yosei with partner(s)

Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1 &2
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Hiji Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Hiji Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Ushirowaza Ryokata Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Eri Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Shomen Tsuki Ikkajo Nage
Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1

Note: Kangeiko, class of 3 on the side of Beginners Course with 4. Stumpy was so proud for going through 13 techniques calling, "Man! Thats a record for Kangeiko!" : ) No wonder senseis are so keen to go through so many technques so fast... What often happens having 2 teachers are that they give each other ideas which they would never think of themsleves, and considering the FACT boys are tend to be competitive (!) Roland Sensei might try to break Stumpy's record tomorrow with Nikajo...That could be challenging and fun.

Learning the complicated techniques takes "Time", however, it takes so much less time to forget them even with the all the efforts we put into. The ones like that are usually difficult or complicated...
For today, I was telling myself, I did this, I did this, I totally did this while we were doing Ushiro Ryokata & Ushiro Eri. I did not forget all about it but still not the way I did remember only over a month ago. They are both not easy but neat techniques, I wanted to remember them all back yet we all ran through them today.

With rolls : I am trying to push my body up with fist to fly higher, the attempt was totally failed today, but I will try it again tomorrow : )

I had no time to take a peek on the other side of the mat, so I had no idea what was going on with Beginners course but they seemed having fun.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

45: Tuesday 7:00 : February 13, 2007

Kangeiko : Day 1 - Shihonage

Kihon Dosa

Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Katate Mochi Shihonage-2

Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-2

Shomen Uchi Shihonage

Katate Mochi Shihonage

Kangeiko has started! Class of 4 with 2 Senseis : ) Just kept going on techniques in 3 pairs. It was a quite exhausting and painful hour ; )

I fell too soon twice with Sensei's Shihonages. It was Not Only because his Shihonage is so strong, but my shoulder was having very uncomfortable pain, so I had to get away before my arms/shoulders were gotten by him. Once I start falling, it seems impossible to stop the motion, so I have to fall all the way. Guess it takes practice...

44:Saturday 18:15 : February 10, 2007

Shumatsu Dosa 1 & 2
Shumatsu Dosa 1 & 2
Shumatsu Dosa 1 & 2

Ryote Mochi Tenchinage-2

Katate Mochi Kaitennage (with variation)

Class of 6, lots of Shumatsu Dosa.

43:Friday 19:00 : February 9, 2007

Kihon Dosa


Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae- 1 & 2
Ryote Mochi Tenchinage-2
...and more

Class of 2. I dont recall all the techniques we did...we kept going on 3. It was really fun.

Friday, February 9, 2007

42:Friday 7:00 : February 9, 2007

Test Training besides B Course


Dai Ichi Kihon Techniques

Class of 7.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

41:Thursday 7:00 : February 8, 2007

Back Breakfalls (30)

Kihon Dosa

Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Hanmi Handachi Ryote Mochi Shihonage
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1 & 2

Class of 6

40:Thursday 5:45 : February 8, 2007

Jiyuwaza Practice

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

39:Wednesday 7:00 : February 7, 2007

Beginner's Course started.

Test Training

Class of 9. 4 Beginners started.

38:Wednesday 5:45 : February 7, 2007

Kihon Dosa & Kanren Waza

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

37:Tuesday 7:00 : February 6, 2007

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
Kata Mochi Hijiate-2
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-2

Jiyuwaza (Shomen Uchi)

Note: Class of 6. Practice for tomorrow.

36:Tuesday 5:45 : February 6, 2007


Kata Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2
Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-1 & 2
Shomen Tsuki Kotegaeshi-1 & 2
Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1 & 2

Jiyuwaza Practice (Shomen Tsuki)

Class of 2. It was quite a warm day!

Sunday, February 4, 2007

35:Saturday 18:15 : February 3, 2007

Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner

Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Mochi Nikajo Osae-2
Kata Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Kata Mochi Nikajo Osae-2

Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae, Hijiate, Hijiosae
Hiji Mochi Nikajo Nage-2
Hiji Mochi Nikajo Nage-1

Note: Class of 11 plus 2 kids : ) Mat was busy!

Thanks to so many falling practice on the day before, it felt easy to fall : )

34:Friday 19:00 : February 2, 2007



Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryokata Mochi Sankajo Osae-1
Ryote Mochi Tenchinage-1
Kata Mochi Hijiate-2
Katate Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage

30 mins of Jiyuwaza practice (Ryote Mochi)

Class of 1...How come I get tired more than Sensei does...

Thursday, February 1, 2007

33:Thursday 7:00 : February 1, 2007

Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner

Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-2

Class of 5. "Nikajo" day.

32:Thursday 5:45 : February 1, 2007


Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Kotegeshi-1 & 2
Shomen Tsuki Kotegaeshi-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-1 & 2
Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1 & 2
Kata Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Yonkajo Osae-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2
Kata Mochi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2

Class of 2. Good practice of 18 techniques, without stopping.

I still was not able to push my thumb far enough to get Sankajo shape but I think I saw the difference. Although, I need a lot of practice.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

31:Wednesday 7:00 : January 31, 2007

Kihon Dosa
Back Breakfalls (30)

Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2

Kata Mochi Hijishime-2
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-2

Class of 5.

To tell or not to tell that is the question.

I made a call for who to work with whom at the beginning of the class...yet it had to be changed because my assumption was wrong...I thought people who have done longer would be able to go along with the movements unless we did not go into too much details, Oh No...people get stuck with things they dont know as I brain almost got panicked when I saw 2 guys' "??" faces with a technique they were not sure and another face which was ready to jump in to join... then I simply got stuck with a thought of "what is the points to tell??"

Of course, I do remember HOW MUCH (means A LOT!) took me to learn all the basic techniques on the list, it was when I was taught by teachers, there is no way for the others to get it in a second with my explanation!!

Anyway, lesson learned and we were happier after switching the groups ( I believe this assumption is right) ; )

30:Wednesday 5:45 : January 31, 2007

I cleaned the fan in the dojo! It had been bothering me for the last 2 years or more everytime I saw it which was fully covered by I started sweeping the mats, I came up with cleaning the fan! It took more than half an hour but it felt much nicer afterwards : )
So, check out the fan, you will find no dust covering it any more!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

29:Tuesday 7:00 : January 30, 2007


Kihon Dosa

Kihon Dosa Renzoku


Kihon Dosa & Kanren waza

-Tai no Henko-1: Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
-Tai no Henko-2: Katate Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-2
-Hirikino Yosei-1: Katate-Ryote Mochi Kokyunage-1

Ukemi Practice

Class of 5.

Going through typical Demo items, I might have looked like not making mistakes, but I have been practicing with different people over the weeks ; )

28:Tuesday 5:45 : January 30, 2007


Kihon Dosa Renzoku (5 times)

Kihon Dosa & Kanren waza (5 time)

Jo 31 movements (Quick review)

Class of 2.

Monday, January 29, 2007

27: Saturday 18:15 : January 27, 2007

Hiriki no Yosei-2 with partner

Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Kotegaeshi-1
Yokomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-2
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Kotegaeshi-2

Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho 1 (like)

Class of 4, 5 black belts and 1 brown...

26:Friday 19:00 : January 26, 2007

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Tai no Henko-2 with partner

Katate Mochi Kubi Nage
Katate Mochi Kokyu Nage
Katate Mochi Shomen Irimiange

Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1

Class of 2...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

25:Thursday 7:00 : January 25, 2007


Forward rolls

Tai no Henko-2 with partner

Shomen Uchi Hijishime-1
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Hijishime-1

Class of 3. Dojo is still quiet.....

I thought I got the idea of Hijishime better when I found the similarity with Ikkajo, yet...

I think...I dont really see the way to move Uke's balance when I move into Hijishime position. YES! I see the point Sensei makes to move with your hip instead of upper body. Although, I find difficulty being in control of my position which makes no easy to do Tai no Henko-2 reverse pivot movement.

From Shomen Uchi...I could not quite remember the tip which Stumpy gave it to me in December other than using evil thumb from Shomen Uchi...I will have to ask him again!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

24:Wednesday 7:00 : January 7:00, 2007

Back Breakfalls (20)

Kihon Dosa


Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Katate Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-1 & 2
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1 & 2

Class of 3, Test Practice

23:Wednesday 5:45 : January 24, 2007

Sankajo Yonkajo Practice

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Kihon Dosa & Kanren waza

Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Yonkajo Osae- 1 & 2

Class of 2. I wish my finger were a bit longer...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

22: Tuesday 7:00 : January 23, 2007


Tai no Henko-1 with partner

Shomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2

Hijishime practice

Class of 3.

21:Sunday 9:30 : January 21, 2007

Kihon Dosa & Kanren waza

Ikkajo Nage
Nikajo Nage
Kokyu Nage
with Jo

20:Sunday 7:00 : January 21, 2007

Jo Recap

Back Breakfalls (40)

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Jo Recap

19:Saturday 16:00 : January 20, 2007

Jo Kumi

18:Saturday 13:30 : January 20, 2007

Jo Class

Winter Gasshuku

We had BBQ depite of the warning we heard many times from the people at the training center...

It was cold, but it was not so bad...

Monday, January 22, 2007

16:Saturday 6:30 : January 20, 2007


Back Breakfalls (50)

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Tanto Soho 1 to 5

Class of 4.

15:Friday 7:00 : January 19, 2007

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Kihon Dosa & Kanren Waza

Class of 1.

Its so amazing that things look so simple and easy are so hard to do!
Punching is one of them. I guess it takes time and practice : )

Thursday, January 18, 2007

11:Wednesday 5:45 : January 17, 2007


Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1 & 2
Yokomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2
Shomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2

Class of 2.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

10:Tuesday 7:00 : January 16, 2007

Back Breakfalls (20)

Hiriki no Yosei-1 with partner
Hiriki no Yosei-2 with partner


Yokomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-1
Yokomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-2

Yokomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-2


Note: Class of 7. 9 people on the mat!

9:Tuesday 5:45 : January 16, 2007



Ushirowaza Ryohiji Mochi Sankajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryohiji Mochi Sankajo Osae-1

Sankajo, Sankajo, Sankajo, Sanakjo, Sankajo

and Sankajo

Note: Class of 2.


According to sensei, there was nothing new in his words but we understood them for the first time!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Kagami biraki

January 14, 2007 11:00

An hour of demonstration at Hombu

7:Friday 19:00 : January 12, 2007


Back Breakfalls (20)

Kihon Dosa

Forward Rolls


Jiyuwaza Practice

Class of 3.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

5:Thursday 7:00 : January 11, 2007

The Key is "Contact"


Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner


Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1

Class of 4.

4:Thursday 5:45 : January 11, 2007

Kihon Dosa with partner

Tai no Henko-1:

Tai no Henko-2:

Hiriki no Yosei-1:

Hiriki no Yosei-2:


Ushirowaza Ryokata Mochi Sankajo Osae-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-1

Class of 2.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

3:Wednesday 5:45 : January 10, 2007


Kihon Dosa


Katate Mochi Shihonage-2
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-2 & 1
Ushirowaza Ryokata Mochi Sankajo Osae-1
Ryote Mochi Tenchinage-1

Kokyu Ho

Class of 2 with Stumpy. Big people are back on the mat!

I personally think...Katate Mochi Ikkajo is the most difficult Ikkajo in series. Its just damn hard...

My Tenchinage became crap! Yesterday, I did not know what was wrong but lower body is not making the moves!!

To do what I'm supposed to do : The way to apply technique is always different, it really depends on the person to work with, so it is not one way of "what I'm supposed to do". Fortunately, I get a chance to train with "BIG PEOPLE", who I can barely move unless I apply the techniques with TECHNIQUES, not with strength. Today was anothre chance to realize it after quite a long time...

Hula dancing, which I used to do twice a month, became on a break so I started "Hot-Yoga" for a change, hoping to ease my elbow / knee joints. The reason its called "Hot" is that they make the room warm up like silly to get us sweat like crazy...its harder than expected to do anything in that conditon and its not the only thing I find...the biggest thing or just the diffence which shocked me is that they say..."You should do Yoga with your 60%"... I am not used to that!

To do Aikido with 100% or try to push for more, or to do Yoga with 60 %...its all "mind-set" but it make a difference, surprisingly...


Tuesday, January 9, 2007

2:Tuesday 7:00 : January 9, 2007

Back Breakfalls (20)

Kihon Dosa

Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1

Shomen Uchi Shihonage (Kagari-geiko)

Class of 5.

When Sensei called me to be his uke for the demonstration, I was sending a silent beam at him, "Don't Kill Me TODAY!"
Still his atemi for Katate Mochi Shihonage was hard...just as always and he gave it as if he doesnt know how hard it actually is..., yet I was safelyable to block it, so well done me for the first day back!

After 3 weeks without body nearly did what I wanted to do...could not even fall as I wanted to...the first week is going to be tough!

1:Tuesday 5:45 : January 9, 2007

The First Class of 2007

Back Breakfalls (20)

Kihon Dosa


Dai Ichi Kihon Technique

Dai Ni Kihon Technique

Class of 2. It was a quiet start of the year, and the mat was washed and it takes weeks to get off whatever that stuff was used ... that is no help for suriashi!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

A Happy New Year!

When a year ends, it also means another one starts.