Monday, August 20, 2007

Monday 7:00 : August 20, 2007

Shochugeiko : Day 1 - Shihonage

Back Breakfalls (50)
Kihon Dosa

-----15 mins including warmups-----


Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Katate Mochi Shihonage-2
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-2
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1

Shomen Uchi Shihonage-Kagarigeiko

Note: Shochugeiko Began! I expected for more people to come back but it ended up with 4 people. Hope to see the others to come back tomorrow!

I'm not so sure why the day 1 is always so hard...I think the big part of it is that Shihonage is physically a hard technique. Uke has to get down on the mat, yet it ends so soon so has to come up ritht away...and a week break from training only helps for the muscle to go into sleep zzzzz...

Starting the class with 50 Back breakfalls would've only encouraged us being in a "dead" state right from the beginning of the class. I started easily losing my Kamae during Kihon Dosa practice.

Although...I suppose its a good news that I did not hit my head right on the mat as taking Sensei's uke. I was not quite sure if he threw us any easier the way he usually does or my uke's gotten any better... Last year after Shochugeiko I cut off my ponytail by getting tired of smashing it onto the mat and taking the pain. The next challenge is going to be Sokumen Iriminage which is scheduled next week, I will know better then.

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