Monday, September 24, 2007

Saturday 6:15 : September 22, 2007

The secret of Nikajo is revealed! or not...

Kihon Dosa
Roll practice

Yokomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2

Class of 2. Ended up revealing the secret of Nikajo..."lock, lock, off..." was what we came up.
Knowing the secret and being able to apply it is a different lets see how its going to go.
What I feel learning much more details of the techniques is the way to be able to move/use your body in the ways you ever imagine in the normal life. Thats not an easy thing.

I used to not like training Sankajo-2 and Nikajo (any) for over a year... because I could not move big people with them. So many times I wanted to cry in the middle of the technique not knowing what to do... " practice only makes it better" is a fact that I have to trust. Sankajo is eventually and slowly coming so I suppose Nikajo will too... or so I trust and keep training...

Well, well well... time indeed flies or it feels more like disappearing. Shochugeiko was over 3 weeks ago, and so was embu. Summer schedule is really tough on top of "the heat" of Tokyo... its such a big challenge just to go through it... And I'm getting busier at work every year! for the last 3 years. But I think its safe to say "summer 2007" is over, although it still gets hot in the dojo...

October is already within reach, its time to prepare for my next test. It felt like it would be so far in the future when I came up with the plan for the black belt test 2 and half years ago with Stumpy. (Or I dragged out Stumpy to come up with the plan for me is the better way to describe it.) I think the key thing for me to do in the next 2 and half months is to keep the good condition, not to get freak out too much (if i can...). I can keep it in my mind but all I can really do is lets see how its going to go : )

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