Wednesday, January 31, 2007

31:Wednesday 7:00 : January 31, 2007

Kihon Dosa
Back Breakfalls (30)

Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2

Kata Mochi Hijishime-2
Shomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1
Katate Mochi Nikajo Osae-2

Class of 5.

To tell or not to tell that is the question.

I made a call for who to work with whom at the beginning of the class...yet it had to be changed because my assumption was wrong...I thought people who have done longer would be able to go along with the movements unless we did not go into too much details, Oh No...people get stuck with things they dont know as I brain almost got panicked when I saw 2 guys' "??" faces with a technique they were not sure and another face which was ready to jump in to join... then I simply got stuck with a thought of "what is the points to tell??"

Of course, I do remember HOW MUCH (means A LOT!) took me to learn all the basic techniques on the list, it was when I was taught by teachers, there is no way for the others to get it in a second with my explanation!!

Anyway, lesson learned and we were happier after switching the groups ( I believe this assumption is right) ; )

30:Wednesday 5:45 : January 31, 2007

I cleaned the fan in the dojo! It had been bothering me for the last 2 years or more everytime I saw it which was fully covered by I started sweeping the mats, I came up with cleaning the fan! It took more than half an hour but it felt much nicer afterwards : )
So, check out the fan, you will find no dust covering it any more!!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

29:Tuesday 7:00 : January 30, 2007


Kihon Dosa

Kihon Dosa Renzoku


Kihon Dosa & Kanren waza

-Tai no Henko-1: Katate Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1
-Tai no Henko-2: Katate Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-2
-Hirikino Yosei-1: Katate-Ryote Mochi Kokyunage-1

Ukemi Practice

Class of 5.

Going through typical Demo items, I might have looked like not making mistakes, but I have been practicing with different people over the weeks ; )

28:Tuesday 5:45 : January 30, 2007


Kihon Dosa Renzoku (5 times)

Kihon Dosa & Kanren waza (5 time)

Jo 31 movements (Quick review)

Class of 2.

Monday, January 29, 2007

27: Saturday 18:15 : January 27, 2007

Hiriki no Yosei-2 with partner

Shomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Kotegaeshi-1
Yokomen Uchi Kotegaeshi-2
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Kotegaeshi-2

Suwariwaza Ryote Mochi Kokyuho 1 (like)

Class of 4, 5 black belts and 1 brown...

26:Friday 19:00 : January 26, 2007

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Tai no Henko-2 with partner

Katate Mochi Kubi Nage
Katate Mochi Kokyu Nage
Katate Mochi Shomen Irimiange

Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Suwariwaza Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1

Class of 2...

Thursday, January 25, 2007

25:Thursday 7:00 : January 25, 2007


Forward rolls

Tai no Henko-2 with partner

Shomen Uchi Hijishime-1
Suwariwaza Shomen Uchi Hijishime-1

Class of 3. Dojo is still quiet.....

I thought I got the idea of Hijishime better when I found the similarity with Ikkajo, yet...

I think...I dont really see the way to move Uke's balance when I move into Hijishime position. YES! I see the point Sensei makes to move with your hip instead of upper body. Although, I find difficulty being in control of my position which makes no easy to do Tai no Henko-2 reverse pivot movement.

From Shomen Uchi...I could not quite remember the tip which Stumpy gave it to me in December other than using evil thumb from Shomen Uchi...I will have to ask him again!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

24:Wednesday 7:00 : January 7:00, 2007

Back Breakfalls (20)

Kihon Dosa


Suwariwaza Yokomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-2
Katate Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-1 & 2
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1 & 2

Class of 3, Test Practice

23:Wednesday 5:45 : January 24, 2007

Sankajo Yonkajo Practice

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Kihon Dosa & Kanren waza

Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Yonkajo Osae- 1 & 2

Class of 2. I wish my finger were a bit longer...

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

22: Tuesday 7:00 : January 23, 2007


Tai no Henko-1 with partner

Shomen Uchi Sokumen Iriminage-1 & 2

Hijishime practice

Class of 3.

21:Sunday 9:30 : January 21, 2007

Kihon Dosa & Kanren waza

Ikkajo Nage
Nikajo Nage
Kokyu Nage
with Jo

20:Sunday 7:00 : January 21, 2007

Jo Recap

Back Breakfalls (40)

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Jo Recap

19:Saturday 16:00 : January 20, 2007

Jo Kumi

18:Saturday 13:30 : January 20, 2007

Jo Class

Winter Gasshuku

We had BBQ depite of the warning we heard many times from the people at the training center...

It was cold, but it was not so bad...

Monday, January 22, 2007

16:Saturday 6:30 : January 20, 2007


Back Breakfalls (50)

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Tanto Soho 1 to 5

Class of 4.

15:Friday 7:00 : January 19, 2007

Kihon Dosa Renzoku

Kihon Dosa & Kanren Waza

Class of 1.

Its so amazing that things look so simple and easy are so hard to do!
Punching is one of them. I guess it takes time and practice : )

Thursday, January 18, 2007

11:Wednesday 5:45 : January 17, 2007


Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1 & 2
Yokomen Uchi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1 & 2
Shomen Uchi Nikajo Osae-1 & 2
Shomen Uchi Sankajo Osae-1 & 2

Class of 2.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

10:Tuesday 7:00 : January 16, 2007

Back Breakfalls (20)

Hiriki no Yosei-1 with partner
Hiriki no Yosei-2 with partner


Yokomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-1
Yokomen Uchi Yonkajo Osae-2

Yokomen Uchi Shomen Iriminage-2


Note: Class of 7. 9 people on the mat!

9:Tuesday 5:45 : January 16, 2007



Ushirowaza Ryohiji Mochi Sankajo Osae-2
Ushirowaza Ryohiji Mochi Sankajo Osae-1

Sankajo, Sankajo, Sankajo, Sanakjo, Sankajo

and Sankajo

Note: Class of 2.


According to sensei, there was nothing new in his words but we understood them for the first time!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Kagami biraki

January 14, 2007 11:00

An hour of demonstration at Hombu

7:Friday 19:00 : January 12, 2007


Back Breakfalls (20)

Kihon Dosa

Forward Rolls


Jiyuwaza Practice

Class of 3.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

5:Thursday 7:00 : January 11, 2007

The Key is "Contact"


Hiriki no Yosei-1 & 2 with partner


Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Sokumen Iriminage-1

Class of 4.

4:Thursday 5:45 : January 11, 2007

Kihon Dosa with partner

Tai no Henko-1:

Tai no Henko-2:

Hiriki no Yosei-1:

Hiriki no Yosei-2:


Ushirowaza Ryokata Mochi Sankajo Osae-1
Ushirowaza Ryote Mochi Hijiate Kokyunage-1

Class of 2.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

3:Wednesday 5:45 : January 10, 2007


Kihon Dosa


Katate Mochi Shihonage-2
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-2 & 1
Ushirowaza Ryokata Mochi Sankajo Osae-1
Ryote Mochi Tenchinage-1

Kokyu Ho

Class of 2 with Stumpy. Big people are back on the mat!

I personally think...Katate Mochi Ikkajo is the most difficult Ikkajo in series. Its just damn hard...

My Tenchinage became crap! Yesterday, I did not know what was wrong but lower body is not making the moves!!

To do what I'm supposed to do : The way to apply technique is always different, it really depends on the person to work with, so it is not one way of "what I'm supposed to do". Fortunately, I get a chance to train with "BIG PEOPLE", who I can barely move unless I apply the techniques with TECHNIQUES, not with strength. Today was anothre chance to realize it after quite a long time...

Hula dancing, which I used to do twice a month, became on a break so I started "Hot-Yoga" for a change, hoping to ease my elbow / knee joints. The reason its called "Hot" is that they make the room warm up like silly to get us sweat like crazy...its harder than expected to do anything in that conditon and its not the only thing I find...the biggest thing or just the diffence which shocked me is that they say..."You should do Yoga with your 60%"... I am not used to that!

To do Aikido with 100% or try to push for more, or to do Yoga with 60 %...its all "mind-set" but it make a difference, surprisingly...


Tuesday, January 9, 2007

2:Tuesday 7:00 : January 9, 2007

Back Breakfalls (20)

Kihon Dosa

Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Hanmi Handachi Katate Mochi Shihonage-1
Yokomen Uchi Shihonage-1

Shomen Uchi Shihonage (Kagari-geiko)

Class of 5.

When Sensei called me to be his uke for the demonstration, I was sending a silent beam at him, "Don't Kill Me TODAY!"
Still his atemi for Katate Mochi Shihonage was hard...just as always and he gave it as if he doesnt know how hard it actually is..., yet I was safelyable to block it, so well done me for the first day back!

After 3 weeks without body nearly did what I wanted to do...could not even fall as I wanted to...the first week is going to be tough!

1:Tuesday 5:45 : January 9, 2007

The First Class of 2007

Back Breakfalls (20)

Kihon Dosa


Dai Ichi Kihon Technique

Dai Ni Kihon Technique

Class of 2. It was a quiet start of the year, and the mat was washed and it takes weeks to get off whatever that stuff was used ... that is no help for suriashi!

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

A Happy New Year!

When a year ends, it also means another one starts.