Wednesday, January 10, 2007

3:Wednesday 5:45 : January 10, 2007


Kihon Dosa


Katate Mochi Shihonage-2
Katate Mochi Ikkajo Osae-1
Katate Aya Mochi Nikajo Osae-2 & 1
Ushirowaza Ryokata Mochi Sankajo Osae-1
Ryote Mochi Tenchinage-1

Kokyu Ho

Class of 2 with Stumpy. Big people are back on the mat!

I personally think...Katate Mochi Ikkajo is the most difficult Ikkajo in series. Its just damn hard...

My Tenchinage became crap! Yesterday, I did not know what was wrong but lower body is not making the moves!!

To do what I'm supposed to do : The way to apply technique is always different, it really depends on the person to work with, so it is not one way of "what I'm supposed to do". Fortunately, I get a chance to train with "BIG PEOPLE", who I can barely move unless I apply the techniques with TECHNIQUES, not with strength. Today was anothre chance to realize it after quite a long time...

Hula dancing, which I used to do twice a month, became on a break so I started "Hot-Yoga" for a change, hoping to ease my elbow / knee joints. The reason its called "Hot" is that they make the room warm up like silly to get us sweat like crazy...its harder than expected to do anything in that conditon and its not the only thing I find...the biggest thing or just the diffence which shocked me is that they say..."You should do Yoga with your 60%"... I am not used to that!

To do Aikido with 100% or try to push for more, or to do Yoga with 60 %...its all "mind-set" but it make a difference, surprisingly...


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